About the Book:
Red Sky Over America(Desert Breeze, February 2018)
In 1857, America, the daughter of a slave owner, is an abolitionist and a student at Oberlin College, a school known for its radical ideas. When America goes home to Kentucky during school break to confront her father about freeing his slaves, America’s classmate, William, tags along to preach abolition to churches that condone slavery. Soon, though, America and William find themselves in the center of the approaching storm sweeping the nation. Will they make it back to Ohio . . . or even live through the struggle?
About the Author:

Tamera Lynn Kraft has always loved adventures. She loves to write historical fiction set in the United States because there are so many stories in American history. There are strong elements of faith, romance, suspense and adventure in her stories. She has received 2nd place in the NOCW contest, 3rd place TARA writer’s contest, and is a finalist in the Frasier Writing Contest and has other novellas in print. She’s been married for 38 years to the love of her life, Rick, and has two married adult children and two grandchildren.
Tamera has been a children’s pastor for more than 20 years. She is the leader of a ministry called Revival Fire For Kids where she mentors other children’s leaders, teaches workshops, and is a children’s ministry consultant and children’s evangelist and has written children’s church curriculum. She is a recipient of the 2007 National Children’s Leaders Association Shepherd’s Cup for lifetime achievement in children’s ministry.
Find out more about Tamera at http://tkrafty.wixsite.com/tameralynnkraft.
My Thoughts
I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Oberlin is a rich historic spot. I remember going to a presentation about the underground Railroad a few years back. My whole life I had lived 1 hour ish away from such knowledge. When I heard about this book, I had to read it. I have not read anything by the author prior to this. This book is one of the best books I have read. I love America and her determination. Growing up and coming from a slave holding family presents challenges when she goes back to Kentucky to visit her family. William is likeable for the most part, but there were some times that I wanted to strangle him. Overall, they are a great team, fighting for freedom. I could not read fast enough.
I received a copy of this book through the author. All thoughts are my own.